365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Whatever our upbringing has been, as adults our
self-esteem is in our own hands.
Dr Nathaniel Branden

Place a photograph of yourself as a child in a prominent place, such as
on your Wall of Confidence. Smile and acknowledge it every day. Talk
to him or her, tell him you love and will take care of him.


Most small children feel hurt and vulnerable at one time or another.
Similarly everyone feels like a child at times, innocent and in need of
tenderness and care.
To what extent do you acknowledge these aspects of yourself? Do
you comfort your Inner Child sufficiently when she or he feels lost and
lonely, helpless or upset?
Imagine her sat on your knee, enjoying a few intimate moments.
How do you feel? Promise to be less hard on this part of yourself in


If you were to listen to your Inner Child, what do you think he or she
would say?
Try the empty chair technique. Take two chairs and position them
facing each other. Sit on one, and imagine yourself as a small child on
the other. Talk to each other. Ask how he feels about the way you treat
him. Say how you feel about him. Then switch seats and behim,
responding to ‘you’. Keep switching chairs, and try to gain a greater
understanding of each other.

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