
(Nancy Kaufman) #1



The wisest leaders, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt with his ‘‘fireside
chats’’ to Hal Rosenbluth of Rosenbluth Travel with his ‘‘Hal Hotline,’’
know that it is important to make each person feel that he has direct
connection to and communication with the leader. FDR’s radio
‘‘chats’’ made each listener feel that he was addressing him individually.
Rosenbluth created a voice mail link where any associate (employee)
at any level can leave a message, and he responds personally to every
message. ‘‘It’s an avenue for me to keep my finger on the pulse of the
company, which is really the pulse of thousands of people,’’ he notes.
(Rosenbluth does not ignore the need for group forums, however. He
frequently has two-day focus groups with a cross-section of employees,
where he asks them to draw pictures depicting their feelings about the
company and probes for areas of frustration and satisfaction.^1 Like for-
mer New York City mayor Ed Koch, he also asks his followers for
candid feedback on ‘‘How’m I doing?’’)
Martha Ingram of Ingram Industries did not neglect personal com-
munications when she took over this huge video wholesaler and book
distribution company after her husband died suddenly. Realizing the
power of individual connection—particularly at a time of leadership
transition—she installed a toll-free hotline that rings in her office. Any
employee who has a problem and feels she can’t go through normal
channels can call the CEO directly. The hotline is not used as often as
you might think (people still think twice before calling a CEO), but its
very existence serves as a humanizing and galvanizing force.^2
The leaders of the Bible also understood the importance of individual
communication. Moses had frequent meetings with his young aide and
successor, Joshua. Jesus gave individual attention to each of his disciples.
One-to-one communication was particularly important between
Queen Esther, who was inside the seat of power, and her cousin Mor-
dechai, who could communicate her messages and suggested actions to
the endangered Jews, who were anxiously awaiting her every dispatch.

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