232 Index
Bible (continued)
Col. 3:12,50
Col. 3:12–14,67
Col. 4:7–8,93
1 Thess., 111
1 Thess. 2:7–9,67
2 Thess. 1:4,46
1 Tim. 1:18–19, 206
1 Tim. 1:3–4, 206
1 Tim. 3, 138–139
1 Tim. 4, 151
2 Tim. 1:7, 156
2 Tim. 2:6, 127
2 Tim. 4:2–3, 100
Titus 1:5–7, 138
Titus 2:2–6, 150
Heb., 159
Heb. 3:13, 116, 118
Heb. 10:24, 118
Heb. 12:1–3,46
Heb. 12:11–12,41
James 1:19, 103
James 1:22–24,17
James 2:1–4, 183
1 Pet. 5:5,77
1 John 4:18,67
Biblical lessons
on communication, 107–108
on courage, 173–174
on honesty and integrity, 23
on humility, 86
on justice, 193–194
on kindness, 69
on leadership development, 216–217
on purpose, 47–48
on team development, 151–152
Bijur, Peter, 9
body, importance of parts, 77
The Body Shop, 32–33
Boesky, Ivan, 6
Bonini, Jamie, 72
Borg-Warner Chemicals, 144–145
Bossidy, Larry, 30, 74, 132, 198, 204
Boten, John, 8
Bowsher, Steve, 180–181
Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, 93–94, 146, 160–
161, 167
Brenneman, Greg, 138
bribes, 187
Brinker, Norman, 203–204
Bristol-Meyers Squibb, 112
Buffett, Warren, 9
Built to Last(Collins and Porras), 29
Burke, James, 22
burn-out, 66
Burning Bush, x
Burns, M. Anthony, 55, 99
Bush, George W., 163
business, integrity in, 7
Cadbury, Adrian, 16
Calloway, Wayne, 201
Campbell, J. Kermit, 30, 102, 203
Campbell’s Soup, 118–119, 170
caring and empathy, 63–66
Carlzon, Jan, 100, 142, 169–170
Carrigan, Patricia, 157–158
Case, Steve, 148–149, 166
Castellini, Clateo, 213
Chaddick, Steve, 81–82
Challengerspacecraft, 2
Chappell, Tom, 30
charisma, 71, 74
cheating, 22
Chicago Bulls, 139–140
child labor in foreign countries, 178
Chrysler, 98
Ciena Corporation, 81–82
Citibank, 76
Citigroup, 64
Citizens Financial Group, 56
Clairol, 113
Clinton, Bill, 2, 6, 13
coaches, 200–205
code of ethics, 3, 16
Cohen, Ben, 68, 167, 184–185
Coker, Pamela, 68
collaboration, response to, 146
Collins, James,Built to Last,29
Colony, George, 143
Colvard, Mark, 182
communication, 87–108
Biblical lessons, 107–108
group, 91–94