234 Index
employees (continued)
kindness to, 54
listening to, 102–103
as outsiders, 180
ownership by, 185
relationship with, 64, 158
see alsojustice and fairness
empowerment, 150–151
encouragement, 115–120
Enrico, Roger, 172, 201, 208, 215
Esau, ix, 42–43, 62, 110
Esther, 33–34, 90, 125, 154, 203
Eve, 110
Exxon Corporation, 123
eye contact, 99
Ezekiel, 14
Ezra, 92
face-to-face communication, 93
fairnessseejustice and fairness
Fast Company(Peters), 100
fear, and courage, 159
Federal Express, 27, 131–132, 162–163,
177, 213
feedback, speed of, 120
Fel-Pro, 66
Feuerstein, Aaron, 60–61
The Fifth Discipline(Senge), 131
Finast stores, 192
Firestone, 189
Flanagan, Bill, 75–76
foot washing, 75, 84
Ford, Henry, 215
Ford Motor Company, 189
Ford Mustang, 15
foreign labor, treatment of, 60
forgiveness, 62–63
Forrester Research, 143
Fortune, 30, 36
Foster Wheeler, 199
Frankowski, Elaine, 105
From Worst to First(Bethune), 52
full disclosure, 95
Galvin, Paul, 21
Galvin, Robert, 68
Gandhi, Mahatma, 80
Gates, Bill, 13, 33, 46
Gaudani, Claire, 192–193
GE Plastics, 144
General Electric, 14, 19, 78, 157
George, Bill, 36
Gerstner, Lou, 76, 121, 156
Ghetto Enterprises, Inc., 178
Gigerich, John, 105
Gilmartin, Ray, 35–36, 76, 114
Girl Scouts of America, 23
Giuliani, Rudolph, 159
goal setting, motivation and, 111–113
Goizueta, Roberto, 46, 199
Golden Rule, 50–54
Goliath, 112
Gomorrah, 2, 101
Good Samaritan, 61
Gore and Associates (W.L.), 115
Gore, Bill, 67, 115
Gore-Tex, 67
Grace, Peter, 214
Graff, Chris, 21–22
Greenberg, Ace, 59, 186
Greenfield, Jerry, 53, 167, 184–185
Greyston Bakeries, 53
group communication, 91–94
group culture, 17
Grove, Andy, 73, 91, 103, 198
Haas, Peter, 178, 179
Haas, Walter, Jr., 178, 179
Haman, 34, 125
Hanna Anderson, 183
Hanover Insurance, 22, 151
Hard Rock Cafe, 56
Harley-Davidson, 102–103
Hay Group, 45
Heavin, Gary, 20, 45–46, 65
on humility, 85
on justice, 177
on sharing, 59–60
Heimbold, Charles, 112, 113, 116
Helmsley, Harry, 3–4
Helmsley, Leona, 3–4
Herman Miller, 30, 102, 147, 185
Hershey Foods, 172