Index 235
Hesselbein, Frances, 23
Hewitt Associates, 95
Hewlett, Bill, 16
Hewlett-Packard, 32, 212
Hezekiah, 37–38, 39
Hill, Brad, 45
Hill, Steve, 118
Hillel, Rabbi, 61
Hoeksema, Tim, 125
Holt, Dennis, 149–150
Home Depot, 151
honesty and integrity, 1–23
acting with, 12–17
adversity and, 8–12
Biblical lessons, 23
in business, 9
importance, 1–2
observers, 20–23
role models, 3–8
systems and standards, 17–20
humility, 70–86
Biblical lessons, 86
gains from, 81–82
leader as servant, 83–85
and mistakes, 77–80
as perspective, 72–75
and teamwork, 75–77
Hunke, David, 3
Hutchings, Greg, 143–144
Hutt, Joel, 144–145
Iacocca, Lee, 98
IBM, 76, 120–121
Immelt, Jeffrey, 57
individual communication, 90
individual, value of, 130–131
information sharing, 95–96
Ingram, Martha, 90
Ingram Industries, 90
injustice, rectifying, 186–190
Inland Steel, 180
inner city stores, 192
inspection, 119
inspiration, 113–115
insurance industry, 51
integrityseehonesty and integrity
Intel, 73, 103
investment banking, 59
Isaiah, 3, 15–16
Israelites, exodus, 5–6
Jackson, Phil, 139–140
Jacob, ix, 59, 110
James (brother of Jesus), 17, 103
Jehoshaphat, 137, 177
Jeremiah, 3, 14–15, 58, 104–105, 121, 154
Jesus, x
caring and empathy of, 63, 65
communication, 89, 90, 96–97
courage, 154
delegation by, 149
encouragement from, 110
feeding thousands, 63
and humility, 72, 75
inspiration by, 113
leadership development, 199
on material kindness, 54
on obeying laws, 187
as servant leader, 83–84
and teamwork, 134, 139
on truth, 3
and Zacchaeus, 8
Jethro, 19, 148
Jezebel, 3–4
Joab, 20, 135, 137
Job, x, 10–11, 78
job responsibilities, 51
Jobs, Steve, 25, 33, 146–147
John (disciple of Jesus), 158
courage, 165–166
John Deere, 8
John the Baptist, 59, 75
Johnson & Johnson, 15
credo, 18, 22, 30
Johnson, Curt, 211
Johnson, David, 119, 170
Johnson, Herbert Fisk, 211
Johnson, Samuel C., 211
Jonathan, 37, 58, 170
Jordan, Michael, 139–140
Joseph, ix, 185–186
forgiveness by, 62