238 Index
OpenAir, 91
O’Toole, James, 147
outsiders, employees as, 180
Packard, David, 212
Paley, William, 214
Paul, 107, 116
communication, 93, 98–99
courage, 156
encouragement from, 111
on forgiveness, 62
instructions on team development, 150
integrity, 7
on rewards, 124
on strength of purpose, 41
team selection, 138–139
and Timothy, 205
Pear Transmedia, 105
people as priority, 33–36
Pepper, John, 18–19
PepsiCo, 172, 201, 215
performance appraisals, 10
performance management, 109–129
Biblical lessons, 128–129
consequences and rewards, 120–128
encouragement, 115–120
inspiration, 113–115
motivation and goal setting, 111–113
Perot, Ross, 190
Peter, 73–74, 84, 110, 158
courage, 165–166
Peter Principle, 202
Peters, Tom,Fast Company, 100
Peterson, Robert, 203–204
Petrovich, Mary, 204
Pfizer, 82, 104, 193
Pharaoh of Egypt, 5–6, 82, 101, 189
Pitney Bowes, 103
plagues in Egypt, 5–6
Pollard, Charles, 85
Pollard, William, 44
poor, justice to, 182–183
Pope, Jeff, 125
Pope, Judy, 125
Porras, Jerry,Built to Last,29
Posner, Barry, 1, 76
leaders’ surrender of, 214–216
potential for abuse, 17–18
of teams, 139–145
pride, vs. humility, 70
priorities, 32–33
Procter & Gamble, 18–19, 79
prophets, 13–14, 104
adversity of, 41
purpose, 25
public property, leader’s attitude toward, 6
punishment, 123
purpose, 24–48
‘‘A’’ players with goals, 29–30
adversity and, 41–42
Biblical lessons, 47–48
competitive advantage, 36–39
leaders without, 42–44
and modern business, 28–29
modern leaders, 30–33
need for, 24
obtacles as tests, 39–40
people as priority, 33–36
search for, 44–47
thinking big, 27–28
Quade, Dave, 132
racism, injustice of, 181
Rebello, Joseph, 56–57
Rehoboam, 79, 83, 122
Reid, David, 182
Reitman, Jerry, 62
repetition in communication, 99–101
rewards, 124–127
for justice and fairness, 190–193
risk, 170
river blindness, 34–35
Roddick, Anita, 32–33, 116–117, 193
role models, 200–205
Rollwagen, John, 30, 105
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 90
Roscitt, Rick, 9, 165
Rosenbluth, Hal, 57, 90, 151
The Customer Comes Second, 132
Rover, 209