
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Index 239

Russell, Paul, 201, 202
Ryder Systems, 55

safety valve, 16
Samson, x, 43
Samuel, 6–7, 89
Sanballat the Horonite, 39
Sant, Roger, 20, 80, 116
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 132
SAS, 169–170
Saul, 36–37, 58
Schacht, Henry, 184
Schmidt, Eric, 92–93, 113–114, 171
Schroeder, Horst, 123–124
Schultz, Howard, 51–52, 185
Sculley, John, 25
secrets, 96
seminars, 205
Senge, Peter,The Fifth Discipline, 131
September 11th terrorist attack
Bush response, 163–164
Giuliani response to, 159
response to, 57
Seraiah, 137
Sermon on the Mount, x
servant leader, 83–85
ServiceMaster, 85, 160
Shadrach, 165, 206
sharing wealth, 59–60
Shields, John, 192
Shipley, Walter, 76
Smith, Fred, 27, 131, 162–163
Smucker’s, 63
Sodom, 2, 101
Solomon, 18
humility of, 71–72, 81
instructions from David, 114–115
purpose, 24–25, 26
succession, 210
Sony, 68, 134
mission statement, 46
South Shore Bank (Chicago), 187–188
Southwest Airlines, 19, 28, 156
and teamwork, 140
Sprewell, Latrell, 73
Springfield Remanufacturing, 37, 95–96,

Stack, Jack, 37, 82, 95–96, 173, 190
motivation by, 111–112
rewards policy, 127
and teamwork, 135
Starbucks, 51–52, 124, 185
Steere, William, 82, 104
Stewart, Martha, 27
stock market crash (1987), 10
stock options, 113
Stonesifer, Dick, 201–202
stranger, kindness to, 60–61
succession, 210–214
planning, 198–199
Sultan of Borneo, 6
Sunbeam, 43
synergy, 133

Talent Fusion, 142–143
Tamar, 210
Taylor, Bill, 212
team development, 130–152
Biblical lessons, 151–152
challenges, 145–148
delegation, 148–150
empowerment, 150–151
importance of people, 131–133
importance of teams, 133–136
power of teams, 139–145
team selection, 136–139
teamwork, humility and, 75–77
technical professionals, 64
Teer Link, Richard, 102–103
telecommunications, 68
Ten Commandments, x
on integrity and honesty, 2
Texaco, response to racism, 9
Theory X, 49, 123
Theory Y, 50
Thessalonica, 100
360-degree feedback, 201–202
Tichy, Noel, 196, 200, 204, 205
Tigrett, Isaac, 56
Tiller, Tom, 157
Tillman, Bob, 76
Timothy, 100, 150–151, 156, 205
tithing, 59–60
Titus, 138, 150
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