
(ff) #1

A segment of DNA that interacts with a repressor protein to regulate the transcription of the
structural genes of an operon.
A covering flap or lidlike structure in animals like snails, some fishes.
A unit of genetic function common in bacteria and phages, consisting of coordinately
regulated clusters of genes with related functions.
Opportunistic species
Species characterized by high reproduction rates, rapid development, early reproduction,
small body size, and uncertain adult survival.
An immune response in which the binding of antibodies to the surface of a microbe
facilitates phagocytosis of the microbe by a macrophage.
Of or relating to the mouth.
In the current model of atomic structure, the volume of space surrounding the atomic
nucleus in which an electron will be found 90 percent of the time.
A taxonomic grouping of related, similar families; the category below class and above family.
A specialized center of body function composed of several different types of tissues.
Organ-identity gene
A plant gene in which a mutation causes a floral organ to develop in the wrong location.
Organ level
A disturbance involving the transport or metabolic functions of an organ.
Organ of Corti
The actual hearing organ of the vertebrate ear, located in the floor of the cochlear canal in
the inner ear; contains the receptor cells (hair cells) of the ear.

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