
(ff) #1

Any of various cells found in adipose tissue that are specialized for the storage of fat. Also
called adipocyte.
Unlike parts or organs; growing closely attached
Adrenal gland
An endocrine gland located adjacent to the kidney in mammals; composed of two glandular
portions: an outer cortex, which responds to endocrine signals in reacting to stress and
effecting salt and water balance, and a central medulla, which responds to nervous inputs
resulting from stress.
A hormone, produced by the medulla of the adrenal gland, that increases the concentration
of glucose in the blood, raises blood pressure and heartbeat rate, and increases muscular
power and resistance to fatigue; also a neurotransmitter across synaptic junctions. Also
called epinephrine.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
A hormone, produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, that stimulates the
production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex.
Referring to a structure arising from an unusual place, such as roots growing from stems or
A spongy tissue with large air spaces found between the cells of the stems and leaves of
aquatic plants, providing buoyancy and allowing the circulation of gases.
Containing oxygen; referring to an organism, environment, or cellular process that requires
Exsiting or living in the air.

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