
(ff) #1

The reproductive organ of bryophytes, consisting of the male antheridium and female
archegonium; a multichambered jacket of sterile cells in which gametes are formed.
An organ or a cell in which gametes are produced.
A haploid egg or sperm cell; gametes unite during sexual reproduction to produce a diploid
The multicellular haploid form in organisms undergoing alternation of generations, which
mitotically produces haploid gametes that unite and grow into the sporophyte generation.
A cluster (functional group) of nerve cell bodies in a centralized nervous system.
Gap junction
A type of intercellular junction in animal cells that allows the passage of material or current
between cells.
gap phases
In the cell cycle, the phases that precede (G 1 ) and follow (G 2 ) the synthesis (S) phase in
which DNA is replicated; in the G 1 phase, the cell doubles in size, and its enzymes,
ribosomes, and other cytoplasmic molecules and structures increase in number; in the G 2
phase, the replicated chromosomes begin to condense and the structures required for
mitosis or meiosis are assembled.
Pertaining to the stomach.
A digestive hormone, secreted by the stomach, that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
The cellular lining of the digestive cavity of certain invertebrates.
Any of various minute aquatic animals of the phylum Gastrotricha, having a wormlike,
ciliated body.

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