The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

rushes to the center and the record
holds still. Then
it’s not a matter of starting up
the speed again but of placing the arm
the head on the fulcrum to see
contagion spread
to drop everything that moves: unbreakable bodies
in silent films (wobbling
images, indolent
sound track).

  1. unconstrained movement
    is a state (quasisolid—
    the back and forth the same
    to the same place polish it
    burnish it) and what remains
    a pavement.
    —chet wiener


yes it can be done just like
a museum the book on
the run just sni√ the age-old
rags the wood polish that flies
in your face and you shut it
up at the first sigh of the
spine and then you slam the door
—cole swensen


the first second she reminds
you of someone else then of
herself the second second
the choir in black with their
arms crossed in back with the pinched
air that rushes out into
the air she has done her bit
—cole swensen

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