The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

select bibliography

Depestre, René. A Rainbow for the Christian West. Ed. and trans. Joan Dayan.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1977.
Doris, Stacy, Phillip Foss, and Emmanuel Hocquard, eds. Violence of the White
Page. Santa Fe: Tyuonyi, 1991.
Dupin, Jacques. Fits and Starts. Ed. and trans. Paul Auster. New York: Living
Hand, 1976.
———. Selected Poems. Trans. Paul Auster, Stephen Romer, and David Shapiro.
Wake Forest: Wake Forest University Press, 1992.
Espitallier, Jean-Michel, ed. Pièces détachées: Une anthologie de la poésie française
aujourd’hui. Paris: Pocket, 2000.
Gavronsky, Serge, ed. and trans. Six Contemporary French Women Poets: Theory,
Practice, and Pleasures. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997.
Gille, Vincent, ed. Anthologie amoureuse du surréalisme. Paris: Syllepse, 2001.
Guillevic, Eugène. Selected Poems. Ed. and trans. Denise Levertov. New York:
New Directions, 1968.
Hacker, Marilyn, and John Taylor, eds. Poetry: Contemporary French Poetry in
Translation. A Special Double Issue. October–November 2000.
Hocquard, Emmanuel. A Test of Solitude. Trans. Rosmarie Waldrop. Providence:
Burning Deck, 2000.
Hollier, Denis, ed. A New History of French Literature. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1989.
Jabès, Edmond. The Book of Yukel: Return to the Book. Trans. Rosmarie Waldrop.
Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1977.
———. If There Were Anywhere but Desert: Selected Poems. Ed. and trans. Keith
Waldrop. New York: Station Hill Press, 1988.
Jaccottet, Philippe. Under Clouded Skies and Beauregard. Ed. and trans. Mark
Treharne and David Constantine. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe Books,
Jacob, Max. Hesitant Fire: Selected Prose of Max Jacob. Ed. and trans. Moishe
Black and Maria Green. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
Linkhorn, Renée, and Judy Cockran, eds. Belgian Women Poets: An Anthology.
New York: Peter Lang, 2000.
Malroux, Claire. Edge. Ed. and trans. Marilyn Hacker. Winston-Salem: Wake
Forest University Press, 1996.
———. A Long-Gone Sun. Ed. and trans. Marilyn Hacker. Riverdale-on-Hudson:
Sheep Meadow, 2000.
Melançon, Robert. Blind Painting. Trans. Philip Stratford. Montreal: Signal Edi-
tions, 1988.
Para, Jean-Baptiste, ed. Anthologie de la poésie française du XXe siècle. Vol. 2. Paris:
Poésie/Gallimard, 2000.
Penrose, Valentine. Écrits d’une femme surréaliste. Ed. Georgiana Colville. Paris:
Éditions Joelle Losfeld, 2001.
Péret, Benjamin. Death to the Pigs and Other Writings: Selected Writings of Ben-
jamin Péret. Trans. Rachel Stella. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
Perse, St.-John. Collected Poems. Trans. W. H. Auden, Hugh Chisholm, Denis

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