The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1


Marie Étienne

‘‘Cauchemars,’’ from Anatolie, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1997. Reprinted by permission of
Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘Nightmares,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker. Printed by permission of Marilyn Hacker.

Léon-Paul Fargue

‘‘Une odeur nocturne... ,’’ from Poésies, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1963. Reprinted by
permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘A Fragrance of Night... ,’’ trans. by Wallace Stevens, from The Random House Book of
Twentieth Century French Poetry, ∫ Random House, Inc., 1982. Reprinted by permission
of Random House, Inc.

Jean Follain

‘‘Éclogue,’’ ‘‘Félicité,’’ ‘‘La Pomme rouge,’’ ‘‘Quincaillerie,’’ from Territoires, ∫ Éditions
Gallimard, 1953. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘Eclogue,’’ ‘‘Bliss,’’ trans. by Stephen Romer. Printed by permission of Stephen Romer.
‘‘The Red Apple,’’ trans. by Serge Gavronsky, from Modern French Poetry, ∫ Columbia
University Press, 1975. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press. ‘‘Hardware
Store,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker. Printed by permission of Marilyn Hacker.

Louis-René des Forêts

‘‘Il n’est que temps,’’ from Poèmes de Samuel Wood, ∫ Éditions Fata Morgana, 1988.
Reprinted by permission of Éditions Fata Morgana.
‘‘It Is High Time,’’ trans. by John Naughton, from Modern Poetry in Translation 8
(1995). Reprinted by permission of John Naughton.

Dominique Fourcade

‘‘Ensembles,’’ from Le Sujet monotype, ∫ P.O.L., 1997. Reprinted by permission of
‘‘Ensembles,’’ trans. by Cole Swensen. Printed by permission of Cole Swensen.

Jean Frémon

‘‘L’Automne,’’ from La Vraie Nature des ombres, ∫ P.O.L., 2000. Reprinted by permis-
sion of P.O.L.
‘‘Autumn,’’ trans. by Cole Swensen. Printed by permission of Cole Swensen.

André Frénaud

‘‘Toast en réponse,’’ ‘‘Les Paroles... ,’’ from Depuis toujours déjà, ∫ Éditions Gallimard,
1984; ‘‘La Création de soi,’’ from Les Rois mages, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1977. Reprinted by
permission of Éditions Gallimard.

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