The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1


Claire Malroux

‘‘Rendez-vous... ,’’ from Suspens, ∫ Le Castor Astral, 2001; ‘‘Il y a la guerre... ,’’
‘‘Toutes les haleines,’’ from Soleil de jadis, ∫ Le Castor Astral, 1998. Reprinted by permis-
sion of Le Castor Astral.
‘‘Appointment... ,’’ ‘‘There’s War... ,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker, from A Long-Gone
Sun, ∫ Sheep Meadow Press, 2000. Reprinted by permission of Sheep Meadow Press.
‘‘Every Breath,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker, from Edge, ∫ Wake Forest University Press,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Wake Forest University Press.

Joyce Mansour

‘‘Je veux... ,’’ from Territoires, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1953. Reprinted by permission of
Cyrille Mansour. ‘‘Papier d’argent,’’ ‘‘Rappelle-toi,’’ ‘‘L’Orage tire... ,’’ from Joyce Man-
sour: Prose et poésie, ∫ Actes Sud, 1991. Reprinted by permission of Cyrille Mansour.
‘‘I Want... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.
‘‘Tinfoil,’’ trans. by Martin Sorrell, from Modern French Poetry, ∫ Forest Books, 1992.
Reprinted by permission of Forest Books. ‘‘Remember,’’ ‘‘The Storm Sketches... ,’’ trans.
by Mary Ann Caws, from Surrealist Love Poems, ∫ University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Reprinted by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

Robert Marteau

‘‘Je consens que tout s’e√ace,’’ from Liturgie, ∫ Champ Vallon, 1992. Reprinted by
permission of Champ Vallon.
‘‘I Consent That Everything Vanishes,’’ trans. by John Montague, from Poetry, 2000.
Reprinted by permission of John Montague.

Jean-Michel Maulpoix

‘‘Le Mise au monde,’’ from Une histoire de bleu, ∫ Mercure de France, 1992. Reprinted
by permission of Jean-Michel Maulpoix and Mercure de France.
‘‘The Giving Birth,’’ trans. by Mark Polizzotti. Printed by permission of Mark Polizzotti.

Abdelwahab Meddeb

‘‘Sur des traces oubliées,’’ ‘‘Je prends le chemin,’’ from Tombeau d’Ibn Arabi, ∫ Éditions
Fata Morgana, 1995. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Fata Morgana.
‘‘On Forgotten Tracks,’’ ‘‘I Take the Path,’’ trans. by Charlotte Mandell, from Notus 12,
∫ Other Wind Press, 1993. Reprinted by permission of Charlotte Mandell.

Robert Melançon

‘‘Le Début de l’été,’’ ‘‘Éveil,’’ from Blind Painting, ∫ Signal Editions, Véhicule Press,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Signal Editions, Véhicule Press.
    ‘‘Beginning of Summer,’’ ‘‘Wakening,’’ trans. by Philip Stratford, from Blind Painting,
    ∫ Signal Editions, 1985. Reprinted from Véhicule Press.

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