The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

Henri Michaux

‘‘Avenir,’’ from Lointain intérieur, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1938; ‘‘Mes statues,’’ from
Épreuves, exorcismes, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1946; excerpts from ‘‘Tranches de savoir,’’
from Face aux verrous, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1950. Reprinted by permission of Éditions
‘‘Future,’’ ‘‘My Statues,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry. Printed by per-
mission of Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry. Excerpts from ‘‘Slices of Knowledge,’’ trans.
by Rosemary Lloyd. Printed by permission of Rosemary Lloyd.

Gaston Miron

Excerpts from ‘‘La Marche... ,’’ from L’Homme rapaillé, ∫ Éditions Typo, 1998.
Reprinted by permission of Éditions Typo and M. Beaudet and E. Miron.
Excerpts from ‘‘The Walk... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of
Mary Ann Caws.

Pascalle Monnier

‘‘L’Été 1: Bon... ,’’ ‘‘L’Été 2: Ce sont... ,’’ ‘‘Hiver 1’’ from Bayart, ∫ P.O.L., 1995.
Reprinted by permission of P.O.L.
‘‘Summer 1: Good... ,’’ ‘‘Summer 2: These are... ,’’ trans. by Cole Swensen, from
Provincetown Arts, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Cole Swensen. ‘‘Winter 1,’’ trans. by
Serge Gavronsky. Printed by permission of Serge Gavronsky.

Bernard Noël

‘‘Portrait,’’ from La Rumeur de l’air, ∫ Éditions Fata Morgana, 1986; ‘‘Angers,’’ from Le
Reste du voyage, ∫ Éditions Fata Morgana, 1997. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Fata
‘‘Portrait,’’ trans. by Michael Tweed. Printed by permission of Michael Tweed. ‘‘An-
gers,’’ trans. by Rosemary Lloyd. Printed by permission of Rosemary Lloyd.

Meret Oppenheim

‘‘Rêve à Barcelone,’’ from Poèmes et carnets, ∫ Éditeur Christian Bourgois, 1993. Re-
printed by permission of Éditeur Christian Bourgois.
‘‘Dream in Barcelona,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann

Valentine Penrose

‘‘La Pluie retrouvant,’’ ‘‘À mes carreaux,’’ from Valentine Penrose: Écrits d’une femme
surréaliste, ∫ Éditions Joëlle Losfeld, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Mme J. Devise and
Éditions Joëlle Losfeld.
‘‘The Rain Finding Once More,’’ ‘‘At My Windows,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed
by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

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