The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1


Benjamin Péret

‘‘Allo,’’ ‘‘Clin d’œil,’’ ‘‘Source,’’ from Jeu sublime, 1936, ∫ José Corti, 1971; ‘‘Où es-tu,’’
from Feu central, 1947, ∫ José Corti, 1995. Reprinted by permission of José Corti.
‘‘Hello,’’ ‘‘Wink,’’ ‘‘Fountain,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws, from Surrealist Love Poems, ∫
Tate Publishing, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Mary Ann Caws. ‘‘Where Are You’’
trans. by Rachel Stella, from Death to the Pigs and Other Writings: Selected Writings of
Benjamin Péret, ∫ University of Nebraska Press, 1986. Reprinted by permission of Univer-
sity of Nebraska Press.

Anne Perrier

‘‘Toutes les choses de la terre,’’ from Oeuvre poétique, ∫ L’Escampette, 1996. Reprinted
by permission of L’Escampette.
‘‘All Earth’s Things,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann

Saint-John Perse

‘‘Chanson: Il naissait un poulain,’’ ‘‘Chanson: Mon cheval arrêté,’’ from Anabase, ∫
Éditions Gallimard, 1924; ‘‘Nocturne,’’ from Chant pour un équinoxe, ∫ Éditions Gal-
limard, 1975. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘Song: A Colt Was Foaled,’’ ‘‘Song: I Have Halted My Horse,’’ trans. by T. S. Eliot, from
St.-John Perse: Collected Poems, ∫ Princeton University Press, 1971; ‘‘Nocturne,’’ trans. by
Richard Howard, from Song for an Equinox, ∫ Princeton University Press, 1977. Reprinted
by permission of Princeton University Press.

Pablo Picasso

‘‘Ses grosses cuisses,’’ from ‘‘De la Celestina à Dora Maar’’ (exhibition), ∫ Estate of Pablo
Picasso, Artist Rights Society, 2003. Reprinted by permission of Artist Rights Society.
‘‘Her Great Thighs,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws, from Picasso’s Weeping Woman: The Life
and Art of Dora Maar, ∫ Little Brown/Bulfinch, 2000. Reprinted by permission of Mary
Ann Caws.

Marcelin Pleynet

‘‘Dans la lumière du jour,’’ from Provisoires amants des nègres, ∫ Éditions du Seuil,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Éditions du Seuil.
    ‘‘In the Daylight,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

Francis Ponge

‘‘Les Plaisirs... ,’’ ‘‘Les Mûres,’’ ‘‘L’Huître,’’ ‘‘Les Arbres se défont... ,’’ from Le Parti-pris
des choses, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1942; ‘‘L’Ardoise,’’ from Le Nouveau Recueil, ∫ Éditions
Gallimard, 1967. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘The Pleasures... ,’’ ‘‘Trees That Come Undone... ,’’ trans. by Lee Fahnestock, from The
Nature of Things, ∫ Red Dust, 1995, 2000. Reprinted by permission of Lee Fahnestock and
Red Dust. ‘‘Blackberries,’’ ‘‘The Oyster,’’ trans. by Serge Gavronsky, from Modern French
Poetry, ∫ Columbia University Press, 1975. Reprinted by permission of Columbia Univer-

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