The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1


Georgia Épitaphes Chansons, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1984. Reprinted by permission of
Christine Chemeto√-Soupault.
‘‘Georgia,’’ ‘‘Horizon,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry, from Surrealist
Love Poems, Tate Publishing, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Mary Ann Caws and
Patricia Terry. ‘‘Movie-house,’’ ‘‘Song for Ghosts... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed
by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

Jude Stéfan

‘‘Viande de... ,’’ ‘‘Emma Zola... ,’’ from Laures, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1984;
‘‘Harengs... ,’’ from Cyprès, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1967. Reprinted by permission of
Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘Butcher’s Meat... ,’’ ‘‘Emma Zola... ,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker. Printed by
permission of Marilyn Hacker. ‘‘Herrings... ,’’ trans. by Edward Lucie-Smith, from
French Poetry Today: A Bilingual Anthology, ∫ Random House UK, Inc., 1971. Reprinted
from Random House UK, Inc., and Edward Lucie-Smith.

Salah Stétié

‘‘Le Jardin de l’un,’’ from Fièvre et guérison de l’icône, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1998.
Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘The Garden of the One,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker. Printed by permission of Marilyn

Jules Supervielle

‘‘Un poète,’’ ‘‘Le Regret de la terre,’’ from Les Amis inconnus, ∫ Éditions Gallimard,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
    ‘‘A Poet,’’ ‘‘Regretting the Earth,’’ trans. by Patricia Terry, from Modern French Poetry,
    ∫ Columbia University Press, 1975. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

Jean Tardieu

‘‘La Mouche... ,’’ from Le Fleuve caché, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1933; ‘‘Les Jours,’’ ‘‘La
Seine de Paris,’’ from Le Témoin invisible, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1943; ‘‘Cézanne,’’ from
Figures, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1944. Reprinted by permission of Alix Turolla Tardieu and
Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘The Fly... ,’’ ‘‘Days,’’ ‘‘The Seine in Paris,’’ ‘‘Cézanne,’’ trans. by David Kelley, from
Jean Tardieu: The River Underground: Selected Poems and Prose, ∫ Bloodaxe Books, 1991.
Reprinted by permission of Bloodaxe Books.

Christophe Tarkos

‘‘67 mots d’une voyelle... ,’’ from Le Livre des carrés de terre, ∫ Les Contemporains
Favoris, 2000. Reprinted by permission of Stacy Doris and Roof Editions.
‘‘67 Words with One Vowel... ,’’ trans. by Stacy Doris, from Christophe Tarkos: Ma
langue est poétique: Selected Work, ∫ Roof Books, 2000. Reprinted by permission of the
Segue Foundation, Roof Editions, and Stacy Doris.

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