The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

Habib Tengour

‘‘Secrète... ,’’ excerpts from ‘‘Au Pays... ,’’ from Po&sie, no. 80, ∫ Éditions Belin, 1987.
Reprinted by permission of Habib Tengour.
‘‘Secret... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.
Excerpts from ‘‘In the Country... ,’’ trans. by Marilyn Hacker. Printed by permission of
Marilyn Hacker.

Tristan Tzara

‘‘Le Géant... ,’’ from Vingt-cinq poémes, ∫ J. Heuberger, 1918; ‘‘Le Dompteur de
lions... ,’’ ‘‘Réalités cosmiques... ,’’ from L’Homme approximatif, ∫ Éditions Gallimard,
1968; ‘‘La Mort... ,’’ from De nos oiseaux, ∫ Éditions kra, 1929; ‘‘Le Cheval,’’ from Miennes,
∫ Coractèves, 1955.
‘‘White Giant... ,’’ ‘‘The Lion Tamer Remembers,’’ ‘‘Cosmic Realities... ,’’ ‘‘The
Death... ,’’ ‘‘The Horse,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws, from Tristan Tzara: Approximate Man
and Other Writings, ∫ Mary Ann Caws, 1995. Reprinted by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

Paul Valéry

‘‘La Fileuse,’’ from Album de vers anciens, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1920; ‘‘Le Rameur,’’ ‘‘Le
Cimetière marin,’’ from Charmes ou poèmes, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1922. Reprinted by
permission of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘The Spinner,’’ trans. by Grace Schulman. Printed by permission of Grace Schulman.
‘‘The Oarsman,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry. Printed by permission of
Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry. ‘‘The Seaside Cemetery,’’ trans. by Derek Mahon, from
The Recorder: Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, ∫ American Irish Historical
Society, Fall 2001. Reprinted by permission of Christopher Cahill and Derek Mahon.

André Velter

‘‘Je chante ma femme,’’ ‘‘L’Autre,’’ from Du Gange à Zanzibar, ∫ Éditions Gallimard,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Éditions Gallimard.
    ‘‘My Wife I Sing,’’ trans. by Rosemary Lloyd. Printed by permission of Rosemary Lloyd.
    ‘‘The Other One,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

Franck Venaille

‘‘Éloge... ,’’ ‘‘Maintenant,’’ from Papiers d’identité, ∫ Éditions Oswald, 1966. Reprinted
by permission of Éditions Oswald.
‘‘In Praise... ,’’ ‘‘Now,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann

Boris Vian

‘‘Un jour,’’ ‘‘Pourquoi que je vis,’’ from Je voudrais pas crever, ∫ Jean-Jacques Pauvert,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Jean-Jacques Pauvert.
    ‘‘One Day,’’ ‘‘What for Do I Live Then,’’ trans. by Rosemary Lloyd. Printed by permis-
    sion of Rosemary Lloyd.

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