Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(rishikesh) #1

  1. 1.1 What Is Economics? LO 1

  2. 1.2 The Complexity of Modern Economies LO 2, 3, 4

  3. 1.3 Is There an Alternative to the Market Economy? LO 5
    G. Key Concepts
    H. Study Exercises

  4. Fill-in-the-Blank

  5. Review

  6. Problems

  7. 2 Economic Theories, Data, and Graphs
    A. Chapter Outline
    B. Learning Objectives (LO)
    C. 2.1 Positive and Normative Statements

  8. Disagreements Among Economists
    D. 2.2 Building and Testing Economic Theories

  9. What Are Theories?
    a. Variables
    b. Assumptions
    a. Motives
    b. Direction of Causation
    c. Conditions of Application
    c. Predictions

  10. Testing Theories
    a. Statistical Analysis
    a. Correlation Versus Causation
    E. 2.3 Economic Data

  11. Index Numbers
    a. How to Build an Index Number

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