Secrets of the Best Chefs

(Kiana) #1

WHEN YOU’RE FINISHED eating any animal or part of an
animal with bones—a chicken, a leg of lamb, a pork loin—don’t
throw the bones away. Wrap them carefully in plastic wrap and
place in the freezer. They’ll last at least six months, and when
you’re ready, you can make a terrific stock.
UNUSUAL CUTS of meat often have more flavor than the more
typical and expensive cuts. For example, the next time you buy
lamb, try buying lamb neck. You’ll be surprised not only at the
value but also at the flavor in the end result. (And braising it is
the way to go.)
AS YOU TRIM MEAT—cutting away the fat, for example—
don’t throw that fat away. You can use it to make sausage!
You’ll need a meat grinder (you can buy an attachment for your
mixer), and that fat will give your sausage lots of extra flavor.

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