Secrets of the Best Chefs

(Kiana) #1

that, place the ¾ cup sugar in a pot fitted with a candy
thermometer. Add about ⅛ cup water or more until the sugar is
just covered with water. Heat until the sugar reaches the soft ball
stage on the candy thermometer, 235°F.
Very carefully, with the mixer on low speed, pour the hot sugar
mixture into the egg yolks; make sure to pour down the side of the
mixer bowl in a very thin stream so the hot mixture doesn’t splash
up. Once the sugar is added, turn up the speed and continue mixing
for several minutes until the mixture is cool. (You’ll know when
you touch the mixer bowl and it’s no longer piping hot.) When
that happens, beat in the lemon zest and juice.

To fold the egg mixture into the cream, first gently whisk some
cream into the eggs. Then pour the eggs back into the rest of the
cream and fold, still working gently so the mixture doesn’t lose air.
With a rubber spatula, guide the mixture into six 6-ounce ramekins.
Cover the ramekins and place in the freezer for at least several
To serve, run a knife around the perimeter of the semifreddos
and dip the bottom of each ramekin in a small pan of boiling water.
This will loosen it enough to unmold. Wipe each ramekin dry,
place a serving plate on top, and invert to release the semifreddo.

Make a garnish by mixing the blackberries, honey, a pinch or
two of sugar, and the sliced almonds. Spoon the garnish over the
semifreddo and serve.

* That means when you lift up the whisk, the cream stays
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