Secrets of the Best Chefs

(Kiana) #1

Brandon Pettit

Chef-owner, Delancey Seattle, Washington

Perfection is a lofty goal for any artist, whether a painter, a
dancer, a musician, or a chef.
What defines perfection? Technical precision? Yes, partly; but
in art, as in cooking, there has to be something else too. Thomas
Keller, in his writings, calls it “finesse.” Carrie Bradshaw, in her
writings, calls it the “za za zu.” Whatever it’s called, Brandon
Pettit, chef and owner of Delancey in Seattle, Washington, strives
for it every day.
“A musician can spend eight hours a day on one paragraph of
music,” says Pettit, who knows something about music, having
pursued his Ph.D. on the subject. “The attention to detail required
in music is greater than what you find in most restaurants.”
As if to prove his point, Pettit applies a musician’s dedication
and focus to each of the pizzas he makes in the wood-burning
oven at Delancey. When I eat there, the night before we cook
together, he joins me at my table to chat; but any time an order
comes in for another pizza, he leaps to his feet. He cooks every
pizza at Delancey himself.
“Time slows down when I make a pizza,” says Pettit. “It takes
three minutes to make a pizza, but for me, it feels like ten.”
How did this obsession begin? When Pettit first moved to
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