A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry

(Barry) #1
Friedel-Crafts Reaction

cold is generally used instead; the more rapid reaction is, of course,
due to the concentration of free SOa that this acid contains.


This can be conveniently divided into alkylation and acylation.

(i) Alkylation
The reaction of primary alkyl halides, e.g. MeCl, with aromatic
compounds «n the presence of Lewis acids—such as aluminium
halides, BF 3 , etc.—closely resembles the mechanism of catalysed
halogenation that has already been discussed:

8+ 8- •


8+ 8-

+ HC1+A1CI,

That such polarised complexes between the halide and the aluminium
halide are undoubtedly formed is shown by the fact that the halogen
of isotopically-labelled aluminium halides is found to exchange with
that of the alkyl halide. With secondary and tertiary halides, how­
ever, the carbon atom carrying the halogen is increasingly more
able to accommodate positive charge (i.e. it will form a more
stable carbonium ion, cf. p. 84), and there is thus an increasing
tendency towards ionisation of the complex to yield R®, in an
ion pair {cf. p. 80), as the effective electrophilic species. No clear
distinction can be made between primary and other halides in
the extent to which they form actual carbonium ions, however,
as the nature of the catalyst used and of the halogen in the halide
also play a part. Thus with the halide Me 3 C-CH 2 Cl in the presence
of AICI3, benzene yields almost wholly Ph-CMej-OVMe,
due to isomerisation of the first-formed primary carbonium ion,

Me 3 C-CH 2 ®, to the tertiary carbonium ion, Me 2 C-CHa'Me (cf.
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