Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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. How to Plan Your Growth

. Success is rarely an accident in any endeavor. Success in the gym is never a
hit or miss activity. It is planned. If you put together an intelligent program,
tailor it according to your own limitations, follow it diligently and consci-
entiously for long enough, and fully satisfy your rest, sleep and nutritional
needs, then you will get much bigger and stronger muscles. Sensible weight-
training programs work. But too few people know what sensible programs
are, and too few trainees are targeted at specific goals by a specific time.

A. Strategies for the Long Term
. e need to focus on the now—today—is the building block for long-term
success. Not living in the past, and not living in the future, but riveting most
of your attention on the present is the only way to make sure you get most if
not all of your “todays” in good order. If you do not get the daily units right,
you do not have a hope of long-term success.

. ere is a strong connection between the daily units and your long-term
goals. Getting the latter in good order provides the overall strategy into
which the daily units slot. Regular reminders of the long-term program-
ming keep you on track for getting the daily units right.

. Competitive athletes have a major advantage over non-competitive ones.
at is the motivating, focusing, pressurizing and concrete-goals-creating
effect of competition. e need to be your best at a certain date and place
will dramatically focus your attention, and force you to be more efficient
with your time. Without a definite where and when to be at your best,
human nature makes most people casual with their time. You may take years
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