Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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a very abbreviated training program. Really put in some thought here. Final-
ize some challenging but realistic goals. Chew them over; and then carefully
select the one or two that you are going to dedicate the next three months of
your training life to.

. Break the target(s) down into a series of weekly goals, and produce a three-
month program. Get down in black and white what you need to do with
your training, rest and sleep schedule, and nutrition. en knock off the
weekly installments of success. Like a competitive athlete closing in on a big
meet, deliver the goods every day, every week, every month.

Before-and-after shots
. Have your photos taken this week, to display all your physique in a given
number of well-lighted poses. No matter how happy or unhappy you are
with how you look, get the job done so that you have a photographic record
of your current condition. If you are too embarrassed to have a professional
do it, get your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend or sympathetic relative to do
it. But have it done seriously and as well as possible.

. Set a six-month target, and give your all to improving your physique as
much as possible, with the litmus test being the next photo session. en
with proof in photographic print you can see what you did with the previous
six months of your life.

. It is easy in bodybuilding and strength training to mull away time, go
through the motions, and lose track of the passage of time. Working in
six-month slots gives tremendous focus, and you will have a photographic
record of what you achieved over each six-month stretch. After each pho-
tographic session, set another six-month deadline with an even more deter-
mined effort to make the next six months your most productive training
period ever.

. Be meticulously consistent about the conditions used for each photo session.
Consider if you have poor lighting, a hairy and untanned body, unkempt
long hair, long baggy shorts, and poorly focused photos of amateurish and
clumsy poses for one session. en, next time, after a haircut, you have
excellent lighting and sharp photography, and a shaven and tanned physique
posed professionally in a well-fitting swim suit. You will look dramatically
better in the second batch of photos even if your physique is unchanged.
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