Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Keep an album of your photographs. Refer to the album regularly. Be dis-
satisfied with what you see but recognize the visible improvement you have
made, when you have made it. Resolve to do better, to improve the physique
that currently is not good enough.

. Put the resolve into practice. Do not quit on the final rep of each hard
work set. Add an extra bit of iron to the bar when possible. Tighten up on
loose form. Resist the bit of food you know is in excess of your daily caloric
allocation. Substitute first-class food for second-rate fare. Spend the time
performing aerobic work when you know you need it. Be disciplined at all

. e added spark of the possibility of getting yourself in print should moti-
vate you to take everything even more seriously than you already are. When
you are in the gym, at the dining table, or doing anything else connected
with your progress, think of the improvement you must make. en be sure
to do whatever you know has to be done, every day. No loafing, no stalling,
no weakening of resolve. Do it—now!—and become the best you can for the
“after” shots.

. When the deadline arrives, reflect on what you did over the last six months
that was good, and resolve to do that again, or better. en reflect on what
you did that was a hindrance over the last six months, and resolve not to do
that again.

Video tape your physique
. Having yourself on photographic prints or slides is one thing. To see your-
self strutting your stuff on video is another. Once you have done a couple
or more photographic sessions as in Tactic , upgrade the seriousness to
video taping (and photos, too, if you prefer to have both formats). If you feel
embarrassed about the taping, get your spouse or a close friend or relative
to do the recording. Fix the six-month taping sessions so that your training
is geared around them, just as if they were public competitions you were
preparing for.
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