Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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the competition a few months away, structure a training cycle to peak on the
meet day, gear yourself up for it, apply yourself with zeal to the preparatory
training, and then give forth of your very best on the big day.

. Alternatively, compete with yourself. Add an end-of-cycle test day to each of
your programs. On the test day perform a fixed challenge workout radically
different from how you normally train. Each time you do it, give your all to
bettering what you did the previous time. Take a few days rest from your
previous workout prior to the test session. Here are some suggestions:

Maximum reps in the squat with ,  or  pounds.
Maximum reps in the bench press with  pounds.
Maximum reps in the deadlift with  or  pounds.

. You could impose a time limit if the reps will be very high, e.g., maximum
reps within  minutes; and you could use percentages of bodyweight rather
than fixed weights. You could even get away from regular weight-training
exercises for competition days, or use a mixture. Use your imagination and
find some movements you would enjoy performing. For example, you could
perform your maximum number of floor pushups (perhaps put a time limit
on it), walk with a given pair of heavy objects for time, hold a -inch bar
loaded to  pounds for time, etc.

. Do not choose exercises you have no recent experience of. For example, do
not go for maximum reps in the squat if you have not squatted for a few

. Keep accurate records of your poundages and reps. Keep the exercises and
weights or percentages constant from one competition day to another. Be
sure to keep all conditions of the competition days constant (including the
order of the exercises used, and rest periods), so that you are comparing
yourself under the same conditions.

. Weight training can be much more interesting than most people make it.
Competition days are just one way to make your training program more
challenging, productive and enjoyable.

How to make each tactic work
. All the determination in the world counts for nothing if you do not know
how to train effectively. But having an extraordinary level of determination
speeds up the learning process.
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