Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Treat each self-imposed deadline as a major part of your life. If you treat the
deadlines casually you might as well not bother going through the process
of aiming to be your best by a given date. As with everything in training you
have to take what you are doing very seriously. Hard gainers have little room
for error, whereas easy gainers can make many errors and yet still gain.

. Give your  best to a good overall plan broken down into daily units,
and you will amaze yourself with how much you can achieve. Compare the
sort of attention you have given your training over the last year, with the sort
of application I am suggesting here, and you will probably find a big differ-

. If you want to be successful in achieving your potential you need to program
that success. Stop leaving life to chance. Forget about the indifference and
disorderly state of others, and do not let any negativity rub onto you.

. It does not matter a whit what other people are doing with their training.
Your own life is what matters the most to you. Get in charge and make the
most of it.

B. Daily Units of Training and Living
. Building big muscles, and then bigger muscles still, depends on an organized
plan of action—broken down into daily units—coupled with a great will to
achieve. Achievement in any sphere of life depends on getting the individual
moments right, at least most of the time.

. By getting today right, and by getting every today right, you will get the
weeks and months right too. en you will get the years right and start to
get close to realizing your potential. e secret of life is getting today right.
Everyone can get today right, and if you can do it once you can do it repeat-

. Success in any walk of life comes through goal-directed action broken down
into small daily units where each item connected with your long-term goals
is focused upon and executed to the best of your ability.

. You cannot make sudden and huge jumps in achievement. Achievement
comes in small steps, but lots of them. Lots of little bits add up to huge
achievement. Weight training exemplifies this bit-by-bit process. Strive to
get each rep right, each set right, each workout right, each day’s nutrition
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