Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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right, each night’s sleep right, and then keep doing that, again and again and
again. en you will get somewhere.

. You will not get everything right each time, but by keeping your attention
where it should be for most of the time—on the now—then you can get
most things right most of the time, and that is enough for your to do one
heck of a good job, so long as you do it for enough years.

Training diary
. An essential part of the organization needed to get each workout day right
is a training diary. At its most basic minimum this is a written record of reps
and poundage for every work set you do, and an evaluation of each workout
so that you can stay alert to warning signs of overtraining. After each work-
out, reflect on your evaluation and, when necessary, make adjustments to
avoid falling foul of overtraining.

. A training diary or journal is indispensable for keeping you on track for
training success. No matter where you are now—-pound squat or ,
-inch arms or , -pound bench press or —the systematic organiza-
tion and focus upon achieving goals that a training journal enforces will help
you to get bigger and stronger.

. As simple as it is to use a training log, do not underestimate the critical role
this can play in maximizing your training efficiency and productivity. Most
trainees are aware that they should record their workouts in a permanent
way, but few actually do it. And even those trainees who keep some sort of
training log usually fail to exploit its full potential benefits. is is one of the
major reasons why most trainees get minimal results from their training.

. Keeping a skimpy record of your training on loose sheets of paper, backs of
envelopes, or scraps of paper—all of which are likely to be lost—will not
do. Your journal should hold at least twelve months of detailed workout
records, be durably bound and robust enough to withstand heavy use, and
be capable of being opened flat. And you should be able to see many work-

ere is a world of exercise-related goals to target and achieve.
Avoid getting locked into tunnel vision that keeps you looking at
the same sort of targets throughout your training life.

 
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