Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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first exercise, and the following week you deadlift at the end of the workout,
you cannot fairly compare those two workouts. And the form you use for
each exercise must be consistent and flawless every time you train.

. Get all details of your training in black and white, refer to them when
appropriate, and get in control of your training. You will then have a detailed
record of the evolution of each training program, and of your training as a
whole from year to year. In addition to control over the short term, this per-
manent record will give you wealth of data to analyze and draw upon when
designing your future training programs.

. Keep accurate records of each workout, each day’s caloric and protein intake,
how much sleep you get, muscular girths, and your body composition. en
you will remove all guesswork and disorder from your training program.
But if you only track one or two of the components you will not have the
full story. Even an exaggerated attention to one or two components will not
compensate for neglect of the remaining elements.

. But all of this is just a bunch of words. You have to make the theory and
rationale come alive with your conscientious and methodical practical appli-
cation. Do exactly that, now, and take charge of your training!

. Most trainees have neither the organization needed for success, nor the will
and desire to push themselves very hard when they need to. But these are the
very demanding essentials for successful bodybuilding and strength train-
ing—satisfy them, now, and then get on with achieving your potential for
muscle and might.

Training partner
. Getting your daily units right means getting each workout right. How can
you help yourself to get each workout right? Get yourself hands-on supervi-

CS Publishing’s      
is a tailor-made week-by-week journal for recording your training
and daily nutritional data.

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