Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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very hard. But the sloppy form may lead to injury. e sharp eye and words
of a good supervisor will help to keep your form tight.

. While a good training partner or supervisor pushes you all the way, alerts
you to form imperfections that start to creep in (and which you must cut
out), he is also there to spot you. is will give you the confidence and secu-
rity to keep pushing when the reps get tough.

Getting supervision
. A training partner, someone who trains with you, is likely to be your most
practical option. Either alternate sets (especially if your training programs
are identical or very similar), with each of you taking turns at supervising as
you go along, or, one of you completes the workout with the other supervis-
ing, and then you reverse roles. e second alternative usually takes much
longer for both of you to get your workouts done. It also may be hard to
supervise someone well while feeling wiped out as a result of having just
completed your own workout.

. If you train at a commercial gym, getting a training partner is likely to be
much easier than if you train at home. As you get to know gym members
you may find someone you could work with. Publicize your search for a
training partner using the gym’s notice board, or newsletter if there is one.
If possible, also put up a notice in other gyms in your town. You could even
extend your search to any colleges that might be in your area. Even if you
train at home you can use the same channels for your search for a training

. It is not necessary that you have approximately the same level of strength, or
are using the exact same sequence of exercises. What matters most is having
a similar training philosophy and degree of seriousness, and that you get
along with each other and are both punctual for workouts. You also need to
have similar recovery abilities so that you can agree on a mutually suitable
and productive training frequency.

. Regardless of if your supervisor is a training partner or a non-training one,
he needs to understand that your training is a very serious matter, and has
to be treated as such. It is not difficult to keep your attention on training if
you have set the rules beforehand. ere will be:

a. No non-conservative criticism or advice from either of you.
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