Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
 


    


b. No defensiveness to constructive input. Each of you must learn from
the input of the other and be open to criticism.
c. No socializing chit chat until after training has finished.
d. No personal discussion until after training has finished.
e. No fooling around and taking things lightly.

. If you can afford to employ a personal trainer, be sure to check out his com-
petence first. Despite the “qualifications” tagged on their calling cards, many
personal trainers have major deficiencies in their knowledge of training.

. To help determine whether someone can help you in the gym, critically
watch the trainer at work with a client, with this checklist in mind:

a. Is the form he teaches like that explained in  ’ -
  - ?
b. Does he remind his charge of key points of form before a set starts, and
even in the course of a set when necessary?
c. Has he modified his client’s exercise selection and form according to
any limitations the trainee may have? Has the trainer avoided a “one size
fits all” training program?
d. Does he keep accurate records of weight and reps for each work set
e. Does he consult his client’s training log before each set, to ensure that
the correct weight is selected? And does he carefully load the bar?
f. Is he supportive, serious and respectful?
g. Does he keep his charge’s mind totally focused on the work at hand?

. If he does not score on all these points, look elsewhere. If he scores well
on these points but the deadlift, squat and some other major movements
were not done in the workout you inspected, ask the trainer to demonstrate
how he teaches those movements. Compare his instruction with what is
described in  ’ -   --
 . If there are more than just minor differences, then look
elsewhere for hands-on help with your lifting technique, though the trainer
in question may be valuable in other areas.
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