Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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  ,     


applying yourself to your training with discipline, all the other defects need not
affect you. It is even possible to turn a gym’s shortcomings to your advantage.
If the power rack and other basic equipment usually stand vacant, because
an abundance of inferior gear distracts most members, then you will have
little waiting time while you train.

. A mainstream mentality
. If the norm is to use lots of isolation exercises and standard split routines,
and give supplements excessive attention, then sooner or later you are going
to be pulled into the same way of thinking. is applies even though nearly
all the drug-free advocates of this system never make much progress.

. A related point is that it is in the financial interest of the gym owners to have
you training many times each week. Consider that the more frequently you
are in the gym the more drinks and other products you are likely to buy, and
the more you will pay if fees are proportional to gym usage.

. Gyms where there are resident awesome physiques
. Awesome physiques—“awesome” as in + pounds and under  body-
fat—can inspire discouragement because they are so far away from what
a typical hard gainer can ever build. ey may also motivate some of the
dissatisfied to use drugs to try to compensate, to some degree, for genetic

. Of those who do not get into drugs, many will be so disgusted with the mess
of chemicals in bodybuilding and lifting that they will give up their train-
ing aspirations. Most of the balance of people that remains will follow the
instruction received from the gym, which is usually a watered down version
of the training that works for the elite. is will result in adding ever more
names to the huge roll of weight-training failures.

. Gyms with resident or visiting drug peddlers
. Feeding on the dissatisfaction bred by the resident awesome physiques, and
the general ineffectiveness of conventional training routines, drug sellers
may find many customers.

. Instructors who know nothing about training hard gainers
. Ignore the certificates for pseudo qualifications that decorate gym walls.
And be especially suspicious about instruction for typical members that
comes from awesome builds. Anyone who has an awesome physique can
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