Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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never get into the shoes of a very hard gainer who may never be able to build
muscular -inch arms. Yet these awesome physiques successfully present
themselves as instructors for the masses.

. Gyms full of distractions
. What with music blaring, social gatherings in the gym, and too many sensual
sights to catch people’s attention, it is almost impossible to keep one’s mind
on where it needs to be for serious training. Ideally you need an environment
free of distractions. Squeezing out the final few reps in a set is darned hard
work. What you do not need are distractions that prevent you from pushing
yourself through to the end of a set.

. Equipment shortcomings
. Any equipment other than the basics nearly always serves to divert attention
from where most application should be given (for typical hard gainers, that
is). Put pec deck, cable crossover, leg extension and hack squat machines in
a gym, for example, and all the most underdeveloped members will be eager
to use the gear, “like the big guys do.” Overwhelmed with so many different
pieces of equipment, not only do members lose sight of training priorities,
but so do gym owners and instructors. Spoil trainees for choice, and you
spoil their progress too.

. Having inferior equipment as well as well-maintained basic training gear
gives you a choice. But if there is no squat rack or power rack, and the free-
weights equipment is poorly maintained, you do not have a choice at that
gym and need to look elsewhere.

. e great advantage of a very well-equipped gym is that it is likely to have a
power rack, squat rack and other important basic items, and maybe some of
the better pieces of high-tech machinery. Ironically, the gym with the great-
est source of potential distractions may actually be your best bet because
among its abundance of gear is what you really need. But you need to be
very knowledgeable and highly disciplined to be able to train there without
getting distracted and confused.

. Self-consciousness
. If you are training in an unusual way relative to regular conventions, as you
must be if you are to pack muscle on a hard-gaining body, you are going to
feel self-conscious if you are the only one in the gym training that way. is
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