Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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is especially so if you are a beginner or intermediate. is will likely make
you uncomfortable and weaken your resolve to stay the course.

. Excessive focus on food supplements
. Selling food supplements offers a very lucrative sideline for a gym. Supple-
ments are often promoted hard, and in some cases presented as cure-alls
for training woes. I am not saying that all supplements offer no nutritional
value. Many do have nutritional value, but that does not mean they will nec-
essarily improve your training progress.

. Supplements will never be the answer to training problems. But because
supplements are promoted by some people, either implicitly or explicitly,
as being quick fixes, then of course gym members’ attention is going to be
diverted from the things that matter most.

. Until you can get the basic package of training, food and rest to deliver good
steady gains in muscle and might, forget about any fine-tuning with supple-

. Short-term vested interests of gym owners
. So many gyms are ruled by short-term income at the expense of their
members’ long-term progress. Personalized and quality instruction is non-
existent. Members are encouraged to buy worthless products. e gyms are
unable to deliver good results for most of their members. Stress is given to
getting new members to fill the gaps left by dissatisfied former members.
is further encourages a rapid turnover in membership, and the neglect of
the long-term interests of each member.

. Bullies and show-offs
. Unsympathetic and disrespectful people who hog equipment, do not allow
beginners to have their turns on time, and pass belittling comments about
others’ lesser builds, only serve to alienate people. Some gyms have plenty
of this kind, often drug fed, which reinforces the belief that a commercial
gym can be a very poor place to go to if you want to build a good physique.
Steroids enhance the aggressive anti-social attitude.

The two sides of weight training
. On the one side weight training is a marvelous activity in which you com-
pare yourself only with bettering yourself. It is a potentially healthy and
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