Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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  ,     


long-term activity, a joy to train, and so satisfying to see strength gains
and physique improvement. On the other hand you have the egotistical,
look-like-me, short-term, drug-infested, all-appearance-an-no-substance
destructive side of weight training. It is theoretically possible to get into the
former in any gym setting. But to be able to do it in a potentially destruc-
tive commercial setting demands that you are extremely well informed and

. If you are serious about training in the best possible way for you, and put-
ting aside all distractions and mischief makers, you have three choices:

a. Find a good commercial gym. ough good commercial gyms exist,
they are in short supply and probably cannot be found in your locality.
b. Train in a home gym or small multi-user facility.
c. Go to whatever gym is available and make the best of it.

How to make a commercial gym work for you
. It is not practical for many people to set up a home gym or a small multi-
user gym. ey have to make do with what is available. And perhaps some
people cannot motivate themselves to train alone at home, in which case
they probably cannot motivate themselves to train hard anywhere on a long-
term basis.

. If you have to make do with whatever gym is available, here is how to make
it work for you:

a. Try to train at the quietest time.
b. Take your own little discs and chalk if the gym has none.
c. Keep your mind on your training and stay clear of distractions.
d. Learn from this book how to train, and then get on with applying what
you have learned.
e. Never forget that you are there to train yourself using an abbreviated
and basics-first approach. You are not there to copy others in order to
feel at ease through conformity.
f. Avoid arguments to defend your style of training.
g. Never use any equipment just because it is there. Only use what is best
for you.
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