Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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accessories. Two people could train in such a space, alternating sets, and
three could fit in, though it would be cramped.

. e minimum equipment investment for providing a great variety of pro-
ductive training opportunities is:

a. A bar and plates, including little discs.
b. A reliable method of self-spotting and securely setting up a barbell in
some sort of stands, e.g., a four-post power rack, a half rack, or sturdy
and stable squat stands together with spotter/safety racks or bars.
c. A sturdy and stable bench.

. As time goes by, add a Trap Bar, an overhead pulley and/or an overhead bar,
a pair of adjustable dumbbells, parallel bars for dips, a cambered squat bar,
a few specialized items for grip work, a heavy-duty adjustable bench, and a
-inch thick bar. en you will have a gem of a gym.

A comparison of four different long bars. From the top: cambered squat bar, standard
Olympic bar, -inch diameter bar, and -inch diameter bar.
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