Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. An adjustable dumbbell is a valuable addition, at least for side bends
(though a barbell can be used), one-legged calf work, and external rotator
work for the shoulders, all of which are important exercises. If you have an
Olympic bar and plates, the regular dumbbell rod will be too narrow for
your plates. You will need to buy narrow-holed plates for the dumbbell bars
(smooth-sided plates take up the least amount of space), or get a local metal
worker to weld a tube around the dumbbell bars’ ends to fit the Olympic
plates. If you are feeling flush, you could buy dumbbell rods especially for
Olympic plates. Another option is buying spiral-lock dumbbell rods. ese
make plate changing easy. Whatever option you use, be sure to use secure
collars so that the dumbbells do not come apart during use.

. ere are two basic types of collars. One type has some mechanism that
needs to be tightened before the collars are secured in place. ese collars
come in different sizes and variations. e other basic variety is the spring
type where nothing has to be screwed into place. Instead, the handles are
squeezed together while the collar is slipped into place, and then the tension
on the handles is released to secure the collars. e latter are easier to use,
but have only a limited use. For dumbbells, and for barbell exercises where
a lot of weight is used and/or there is a lot of movement of the plates (e.g.,
when the plates touch the floor on each rep), the heavy-duty collars that lock
the plates firmly together are a necessity for safety.

. For calf work you will need a raised platform or box to stand on for full
extension, or use a staircase or other improvisation.

. A Trap Bar is essential in my view, and a lat-machine is very valuable. Some
other equipment will help over the long term, especially a cambered bar and
thick bar. But most other gear is usually a distraction that will only hinder
your progress.

High-tech equipment
. On the high-tech side there are several possible additions, money permit-
ting and once you have already acquired the essentials of a good home
gym. A leg press and a pullover machine can be fine additions. Hammer
Strength® makes some very good machines as do Southern Xercise®, MedX®
and Nautilus®. e Tru-Squat® from Southern Xercise is an especially good
machine, particularly if you cannot squat safely with a barbell. But it is also
an excellent machine for trainees who can squat safely with a barbell. e
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