Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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Tru-Squat can be much more valuable than a leg press, because the former
involves more musculature and produces a greater overall anabolic effect.

. If you are considering purchasing a high-tech machine, test it first, prefer-
ably at a gym where you can use it regularly for a while. Testing it once,
unless the machine obviously does not fit you, is unlikely to teach you much
about its potential for causing chronic irritation, or even injury over the lon-
ger term. Ideally, and if possible, try several models/brands before you make
a purchase. A machine that may be great for one person may be harmful for

Gym table
. Place a small table in a corner of your home gym, primarily to use for enter-
ing data into your training log. Alternatively, use a sturdy shelf. Your train-
ing log is a very important item and as such should have a special location
reserved for it.

. Keep the table or shelf tidy, and use the space alongside the training log for
your chalk (in a bowl of some sort), and any reference material you need
to keep at hand. Keep a large bottle of pure water there for ready access
between sets.

. e table or shelf could also be where you keep the tools you need to have
at hand, for tightening nuts and bolts on a power rack, collars on dumbbells,
or whatever else that needs regular adjustment. ese tools may include an
adjustable wrench, and Allen/hex wrenches of the appropriate sizes. Fur-
ther, and not just for home gym use, keep a tape measure handy for when
you may need to check, for example, if you have a bench or bar centered cor-
rectly in a rack.

Accessory items
. Have a specific location for storing each accessory piece of training gear, be it
a lifting belt, clean towel, specialized grip item (wrist roller, deadlift handle,
pinch block), weight holder for dips and chins, etc. A number of pegs on a
board fixed to a wall is ideal for hanging a number of small and lightweight
items on. A clock on the wall is a good idea.

. A full-length mirror can help you to master exercise form, at least in some
exercises, because you can see what you are doing.
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