Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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rubber flooring) for performing your standing exercises on. is will spare
your joints, floor, carpet and weights from damage, spread the load from
the weights when they contact the floor (very important if you train on a
wooden floor), and also reduce the noise you make in your gym.

. For deadlifts, especially rest-pause ones, the plates easily roll on a smooth
floor, and necessitate that you reposition for every rep. Of course you should
always check that your feet are in the right position relative to the bar before
performing a deadlift rep (whether with a straight bar or Trap Bar), and
adjust them if need be. is rolling of the plates can be minimized by dead-
lifting on some hard-wearing carpet or rubber fixed to a wooden surface.
Two squares of plywood with a carpet or rubber surface would serve you
well. Place the squares so the plates contact them between reps. Because of
the give in the carpet or rubber, the plates stay somewhat stuck to the floor
during the pause between reps, so long as form is good when the bar is set

. If you do all your barbell exercises inside a power rack (other than Trap
Bar deadlifts, which cannot be done in a rack), you need never set a loaded
straight barbell on the floor. Instead, position the rack pins so that you can
put your bar down on the pins between sets, and even between reps during
rest-pause work. is teaches good form and controlled reps, and prevents
the barbell from being dropped on the floor.

. Keeping the plates off the floor also makes plate changing easy because you
do not have to lift the end of the bar in order to unload or load the largest
diameter plates.

. If you have to load or unload a heavy barbell that rests on the floor, lift the
end up and slip a disk underneath the inside plate. e raised end will make
changing much easier. A better way, if available, is to use a device that levers
the bar off the floor, and holds it in position while you load or unload plates.
When loading a vertical bar—e.g., for a plate-loading lat machine—put
plates on with the smallest at the bottom, or alternate a large diameter plate
with a small diameter one. is makes it easier to unload the plates.

. Having your own gym will be a source of pride and pleasure. Look after the
place, as simple as it may be. Keep it tidy and clean. at little or not-so-lit-
tle training den will become very precious, and over the years you will spend
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