Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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  ,     


. Wrist straps and hooks, though illegal for competition lifting are used by
many people in their regular training. ese are temptations that are best
avoided or else you will become dependent on them for some exercises.
Instead, invest the time and effort needed to build a grip to hold the bar with
no assistance other than the use of lifters’ chalk, which is a recommended
support aid.

. Using straps and hooks to tie yourself to bigger weights than you could oth-
erwise handle, can be dangerous. ere is a risk of injury because of a large
weight increase without the necessary strength having been built up in the
involved joints and connective tissue. For example, you need extra strength
in your elbows and shoulders when performing the deadlift and pulldown
with substantially more weight. If you add  pounds and  pounds respec-
tively, in one jump each, you are asking for injury. Never impose a sudden big
increase in load.

Do you really have some progress in muscle and might to show for
your efforts in the gym over the last few months? If not, your train-
ing is not working and it is time to make major changes—time to
try the advice given in this book. Time is pressing!

 
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