Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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. How to Set Up

Your Training Cycles

for Big Returns

. While there are many effective interpretations of a training cycle, there are
fundamental components common to each. e better your grasp of these
components the better equipped you will be to fine-tune the routines in this
book to fit your individual needs and limitations.

. Successful weight training in its various forms is about progressive resis-
tance. Despite this being so obviously central to training, its implications so
often go ignored or only barely noticed. Successful training is about making
lots of small bits of progress, with all the bits adding up to huge improve-
ment. To achieve this you must have persistence galore, patience in abun-
dance, and revel in knocking off each little bit of accumulation. Concentrate
on knocking off one little bit at a time, and long-term success almost takes
care of itself.

. While dramatic progress in a short period of time can happen even to typi-
cal hard gainers, it is not how most progress is made. If you are new to a very
effective mode of training, and are a good way from realizing your ultimate
potential, then you can greatly increase your muscle and might over –
months. Striking examples include raw beginners in general, first uses of
abbreviated training following years of stagnation on conventional training
schedules, and first encounters with the correct use of a power rack. For
most intermediate and advanced trainees, however, think over the long term
for making substantial gains—slow but steady progress.

. Slowly, steadily, safely and surely enforces productive behavior, both when
training and when out of the gym. Keep to the rules and you will keep
making progress year after year. Break the rules and you invite stagnation,
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