Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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becoming slightly detrained, finding the groove in new exercises (or relearn-
ing ones not done for a while), and adjusting to a new or different set and rep
scheme, can and probably will unsettle you for a few weeks. is is normal,
so do not let it bother you.

. As you settle into the new program, and fine-tune it in terms of exercise
choice, order of exercises, and training frequency, you will get into the groove
of the cycle and feel better about it. But still the going will likely feel tougher
than you may have thought it would, considering you are using poundages
less than your best for whatever reps you are performing. Again, do not be

. As you slowly and progressively increase the poundages, your condition-
ing and strength will progress too. Your exercise technique should improve
which may make the weights feel less heavy. is especially applies to low-rep
work where just a slight loss of the groove can greatly increase the percep-
tion of how heavy the weight is. Gradually your workouts will feel smoother
and less uncomfortable than they were earlier with lighter weights.

. Now you are into the gaining momentum, and progress is looking good.
Continue with the slow poundage increments, and progress will continue
to feel smooth, good and strong. When back at your previous best pound-
ages you should not feel at your limit. You should be confident that there are
many small increments to go before you terminate the cycle. is is great
training and can continue for quite a long while.

. You may even find that when a cycle starts out feeling too easy, that is a bad
sign. It may encourage you to add weight too quickly and not look closely
at possible fine-tuning. As a result you will rush and hit a short-lived peak.
Conversely, when the going is difficult to begin with, you analyze your rou-
tine more, make better judgements in fine-tuning, add weight more care-
fully, pay more attention to getting form perfected, focus your concentration
more, and find the right training frequency for you. As a result your condi-
tioning builds up and the gaining momentum gets well established. en
you are set for a long and very productive cycle.

Annual planning
. If you can anticipate your annual schedule, plan your training accordingly. If
you are vacationing in the wilderness for a couple of months in the summer,
make sure you plan your pre-vacation cycle so that you have your peak just
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