Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
 


         


. Take the extra breath, or two, between reps—do not rush your reps. But if
you are performing continuous reps, then this rule does not apply.

. Take more rest between sets, not less (unless you are experimenting with a
faster pace of training).

. When you are struggling to keep up with pre-determined poundage incre-
ments, delay the next planned increment and stay with the old weight until
you have adapted to it.

. Take the extra week or longer to add the next . kilo or  pound on the bar.
Give your body time to build strength. Try to rush your progress and all
you will get is sloppy form and, eventually, an injury. Once in new pound-
age territory, unless you are a beginner, adding  pounds to the bar in small
doses over a few weeks using small discs will enable you to adapt and keep
growing. But put the  pounds on in a single jump and you may bring on a
sticking point.
. : I am not saying that . kilogram equals  pound. More accurately, .
kilogram equals . pounds. In this book I often simultaneously refer to nearly
equivalent weight plates to cater for metric and imperial discs. To quickly convert
kilograms to pounds, double the kilos and add  of it. For example,  kilos
equals  ×  (or ) plus  of , i.e., , for a total of  pounds.

. Lots of little bits over half a year add up to far more than a couple of much
bigger jumps over less than a month. is is especially true when, as so often
happens, the latter is followed by stagnation, mental fatigue and physical
injury, and having to start all over again.

. Do not ruin the potential magic of abbreviated routines by adding pound-
age too quickly, in too large jumps, or by training too frequently.

. To paraphrase a cliché, Rome was not built in a few months or a year or two,
and neither will you be.

. Take more time to learn perfect form before piling on the weight.

. Make time to study more about sensible training methods.

. Find the time to develop a flexible body and then maintain it.

. If in doubt, perform extra warmup work, but keep the reps low.
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