Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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yourself to them and only increase poundage when you satisfactorily achieve
your rep target(s) for a given exercise.

. Suppose you are performing  work sets of bench presses, of  and  reps.
You would never do more than  and , even if you could. Occasionally you
may not get the  and  but you stick with it until the workout you do get
them, and then nudge up the poundage for the next time.

. With fixed-rep training you only concern yourself with increasing pound-
age. By using very small increments you can sustain the fixed-rep training for
long periods. You get into a rep groove, mentally and physically, that is com-
forting and comfortable. But from cycle to cycle you can change the specific
rep target for a given exercise.

. It is not necessarily a case of fixed reps or a rep range. Both approaches can
be used in the same cycle, with some exercises using fixed reps, and other
movements using the double-progression method. It depends on which
style seems to be best suited to a given exercise for each individual.

In the very final stretch of a cycle, when you are pushing to the hilt,
cut back or even eliminate as much as possible every demand upon
your energy and recovery reserves. is includes any little exer-
cises you may be using, and any out-of-the-gym physical work and
aerobic activity. is temporary and perhaps extreme conservation
of energy, together with extra sleep and food, should enable you to
put more additional pounds on each of your core exercises.

 
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