Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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his book can guide you to get much bigger and
stronger. It can motivate and inspire you. It can
remove the guesswork from your training.  
     . e prac-
tical application of what this book teaches demands
great resolve, dedication, effort and persistence. e
book can give you the advice, but it cannot give you
the resolve, dedication, effort and persistence. Where it
matters most, you are on your own.

e better you rest and attend to nutrition between
workouts, the better you will recuperate. e better
you recuperate, the more able you will be to progress at
your next workout. Between workouts, remind your-
self of this fact and be sure you deliver what needs to
be delivered. Get to bed earlier. Spend the time needed
to prepare good meals. Find the time to consume the
regular feeds you need.

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