Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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. How to Achieve

Your Fastest Gains

. Having just read of the conservative approach to training, in the previous
chapter, you may be wondering how some people make very fast gains. In
the modern era the very fastest gains are experienced by formerly very well
developed men who are rebuilding their former development while assisted
by steroids. And genetic superiors can build a lot of muscle very quickly,
even drug-free.

. But in the pre-steroids era some people were making very fast gains over
two months or so. is can still be done today. You may be able to do it
occasionally in your own training life if you can satisfy all the requirements.
But it cannot be a long-term strategy. While I will not say that you must be
in your teens or early twenties to make this fastest rate of gain a possibility,
it is almost a necessity.

The requirements
. To make your fastest rate of gain you need to satisfy the following require-

a. To be quite a long way from reaching your full potential for muscle and
b. To have a body free of any serious physiological problem that would
hamper growth, e.g., digestion and assimilation problems.
c. To focus exclusively on a handful of the biggest exercises—e.g., squat,
deadlift, bench press or dip, pullup or a torso-supported row, and an
overhead press. And it is a given that you know what excellent exercise
form is, and that you practice it.
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