Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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     


d. To have already done the preliminary work that builds up to the full-
bore stage of the cycle.
e. To pour your absolute all into every workout during the quick-gain
period, using a training frequency for each exercise that enables you to
add weight to the bar every workout. If you cannot add at least  pounds
each week to what are already your best-ever poundages for your top
sets of squats and deadlifts, you are not building strength quickly
enough to gain a lot of muscle quickly.
f. To have no back pedaling, back cycling or maintenance workouts.
g. To feed substantially every three hours every day on a high-quality diet
composed of easily digested meals that are rich in protein and adequate
in healthful fats. You are unlikely to be able to gain well on a very low-fat
h. To get – hours of sleep every single day.
i. To have a forceful training partner or supervisor push you to produce
the most intensive, brutal, progressive, sleep- and food-rich period in
your life.
j. To do nothing physically demanding outside of your weight training.
k. To be free of distractions, sickness, injuries and hitches.
l. To be so motivated that your training and everything related to it
become the reason you live. Almost all other responsibilities and com-
mitments need to be shelved for the quick-gain period. ere is abso-
lutely no room during this period for corner cutting and compromises
in anything related to your training and recovery.
m. To be willing to accept a pound or so of fat for every – pounds of
n. To be willing to live with the stretch marks that may accompany very
rapid gains. (A diet in essential fatty acids will help keep your skin
supple and resistant to stretch marks.)

Rate of gain
. While packing on – pounds of muscle drug-free in – weeks is just
promotional hype, – pounds of muscle in three months or so is pos-
sible if you satisfy all the requirements just listed. is rate of gain cannot
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