Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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I am writing here strictly for serious trainees who have the passion to train hard
and who are almost incapable of loafing in the gym.

. If you are training on an abbreviated program dominated by the big move-
ments, with a good diet that provides a slight excess of calories, and a gener-
ous rest and sleep schedule, and you do not gain, then you may have a serious
deficiency in training intensity (and/or some physical problem in digesting
and assimilating food). en is the time to apply yourself to boosting your
effort levels.

. I am a big advocate of training hard, because I know it is a pivotal part of
training success. But I also know that intensity alone will not cut it. All the
support factors have to be in decent order. Bodybuilding and strength-train-
ing success come about from a total package, with all the involved factors
being fully satisfied. You cannot compensate for a serious deficiency in one
area with an excess in another.

Training intensity general recommendation
. Recall the three categories of training intensity—hard, very hard, and bru-
tally hard. To be practical, the more mileage that can be gotten from hard and
very hard training, the better. e reality is that very few people have the
mentality, willpower, youth or physical robustness to withstand very hard or
brutally hard training on a long-term basis.

. Hard training as defined under ree Categories of Effort is genuinely hard
work, and harder than most people train. is is adequate for most of your
work sets, and is the mainstay of productive training. is level of intensity
is actually a rep or few more per set than most people deliver.

. An occasional set in very hard mode (one set per exercise every – weeks),
and a rare set taken to isometric failure (brutally hard mode, no more than
once every – weeks, and only in exercises where it is safe) may provide a
productive boost in intensity. Whenever you inject such an intensity boost,
cut back your work sets in the exercise concerned, to reduce the chance of

. Whatever you try, never persist with something that does not help to keep
your training poundages moving up, no matter how much it may be pro-
moted by others.
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