Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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. Exercise Selection

and Technique

. Achieving your physique, strength or fitness goals hinges on the bedrock
of correct exercise selection and technique. In order of priority, exercise
technique comes before program design. Unless you truly know how to train
with excellent exercise technique, and actually practice it, then no amount
of advice on program design, training gear, diet, supplements, psychology
or anything else really matters. Technique comes first! In fact, you can have
a great training program, the best equipment, a perfect nutritional plan, an
ideal rest and sleep schedule, and the most positive attitude in the world, but
it will all be largely if not totally wasted if you do not use excellent exercise

. Exercise selection alone can make the difference between training success
and failure. And even if you are using the best exercises, if you do not use
perfect exercise technique you will get nowhere in your training but into the
quagmire of injuries, frustration and failure.

. Hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, have been forced to give
up weight training because of pain and injuries caused by using faulty exer-
cise technique. e fact is, improperly done, weight training is one of the
most dangerous activities around.

. Excellent exercise technique is needed not just to avoid training injuries.
e use of first-class exercise form is one of the essential requirements for
stimulating the fastest rate of strength increase and muscular development.

. e use of excellent exercise form is the exception in nearly all gyms, not the
rule. ough it may seem unbelievable, gyms are usually terrible places for
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